OECD-NEA – Training Courses and Workshops
The Computer Program Service organises training courses and workshops on the widely used computer programs. Additional training courses on nuclear data processing and thermodynamic data collection and assessment are organised by the NEA Data Bank.
Upcoming events
Date | Class | Registration | Fees | Location |
13-24 June 2022 | FISPACT-II, Inventory Simulation Platform for Nuclear Observables and Materials Science (Online course) | |||
25-28 April 2022 | OpenMC (Online course) | Registration opening soon | 350 EUR | |
21-22 March 2022 | An introduction to Nuclear Data Processing with FRENDY (Online course) Course description | Register | 50 EUR | |
7-11 February 2022 | MCNP6.2® Advanced (Online course) Course description | The course is full | 430 EUR | |
31 January – 4 February 2022 | MCNP6.2® Intermediate (Online course) Course description | The course is full | 430 EUR |
For in-person courses, the fee includes the training course, luncheons and coffee breaks.
Class sizes are limited and workshops may be cancelled if minimum enrollment is not obtained one month prior to the workshop. Workshop fees paid are refundable up to one month before each class.
For participants working in France: the NEA is not a training centre (“centre de formation”), no training agreement (“convention de formation”) will be established.
NEA Data Bank training courses and workshop offerings
- ABNTT, analytical benchmarks: case studies in neutron transport theory
- FISPACT-II, inventory simulation platform for nuclear observables and materials science
- FLUKA, Monte Carlo general purpose tool for calculations of particle transport and interactions with matter
- FRENDY, Nuclear Data Processing System for Evaluated Nuclear Data File
- MCNP, Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System
- Introduction
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- NJOY2016, a nuclear data processing system for converting evaluated nuclear data into libraries for applications calculations
- Electron-photon transport modelling with PENELOPE physics, code structure and operation. The PENELOPE manual is available here
- PHITS Monte-Carlo particle and heavy ion transport code system
- SCALE/KENO: criticality safety calculations
- SCALE/KENO-MAVRIC: criticality safety and radiation shielding
- SCALE/ORIGEN: standalone fuel depletion, activation, and source term analysis
- SCALE/TRITON: lattice physics and depletion
- SCALE/TSUNAMI: sensitivity and uncertainty calculations
- Thermodynamic data collection and assessment, more information on the Thermochemical Database Project here
- TRIPOLI 3D general purpose continuous energy Monte Carlo transport code