Предстои провеждането на шестата сесия на електронната обучителна програма INTEREST (INTErnational REmote Student Training at JINR) на Университетския център на Обединения институт за ядрени изследвания (ОИЯИ) – Дубна, предназначена за студенти (втори курс бакалаври и магистри) и докторанти по природни …
Free online courses available at the Cyber Learning Platform for Network Education and Training (CLP4NET) The IAEA has developed a comprehensive curriculum for e‑ learning on Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation. This curriculum offers a range of courses, covering …
The Computer Program Service organises training courses and workshops on the widely used computer programs. Additional training courses on nuclear data processing and thermodynamic data collection and assessment are organised by the NEA Data Bank. Upcoming events Date …
Drilon Meha MSc. will defend his Ph.D. dissertation “Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources by using power to heat technologies in power systems based on coal“, supervised by Prof. Neven Duic at FSB, Zagreb, at 11:00 AM, January 10, 2022. The Committee for …
За втора поредна година със съдействието на компанията Росатом на 25 и 26 ноември се проведе студентският хакатон на атомна тема. В програмата бяха включени и лекции на учени от Нижни-Новгородски държавен технически университет, Томски политехнически университет, Санкт Петербургски политехнически …
За втора поредна година на 25 и 26 ноември 2021 г. ще се проведе студентското състезание „HACKATOM” на тема, свързана с ядрените технологии. Участниците ще бъдат разпределени в отбори от по най-много петима, като отборът може да се състои от …
Small modular reactors (SMRs) have a power capacity of up to 300 MW(e) per unit. Many SMRs, which can be factory-assembled and transported to a location for installation, are envisioned for markets such as industrial applications or remote areas with limited grid …
Understanding the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is important for safe and timely decommissioning of the reactors. This objective, together with the development of better computer codes for analysis of severe accidents, was the aim of the …
This report highlights the potential role of nuclear in contributing to the circular carbon economy as a low-carbon source of electricity, but also as a source of heat and system integration services. It further highlights the essential role played by …
Date and time Mon, Nov 22, 2021, 1:30 PM – Tue, Nov 23, 2021, 1:30 PM CET Add to calendar Hybrid Event – This event is the first step of the open dialogue of the nuclear materials research community with …